Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ready for Food

Lisa and I were walking through Fred Myers today picking up a few things we needed and suddenly I was ready for food. It was kind of an odd feeling and I was not sure what to do with it. Then I started thinking that I have to be on this liquid diet/fast for another 30 days and I started to get depressed. This was one of those challenge days, a conflict going on between my ears. One part of me saying “Time for food!” and the other part of me saying “Not for a few more weeks.” AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! As this battle of the mind was taking place I had to start applying some of those strategies for taking control of my thoughts. What is the goal? To lose weight and beat the addiction. How am I going to get there? Lap Band surgery in two days. I can’t quite now! So I sucked it up, grabbed a bottle of water and started drinking it. As long as I paid for it before I left the store right??? (I did) So the moral of the day is this, you don’t have to give in to those cravings and thoughts for food. Who is in control? I am, and my desire for the outcome of this journey is greater than my “need” to EAT.


  1. We are thinking about you!! We prayed for you this afternoon! You've been on our hearts and we'll praying for a great surgery on Tuesday! We'll be thinking about you all day! We love you and once again are very proud of you!

  2. Hi Pat! I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you! It is hard to not go in reverse somedays isn't it?? Thankyou, Jesus, that His strength is so evident on those days.
    Can I recommend a good book on addiction and how it works, and how God's grace is so needed to overcome? It's called "Addiction and Grace" by Gerald May. It was very very eye opening... I am going to post some about the nature of addiction, and how it works.
    It really helped me to see my food addiction for what it was, and to know when "it" is speaking to me. It can trick you... convince to do something that ultimately is not good for you. Another book that was so good was, "Journey of Desire" by John Eldredge... oh man! So good!

    Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers today! Press on and don't look back!


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat