Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Morning of the 4th

I just got back from my walk and I am feeling really good. The discomfort I was feeling from surgery is gone and now I am learning my rang of motion. If I bend to far one way or the other my incisions let me know, ouch! If you scroll down the page I added some photos from the day. I will continue to up-date you on the weight lose and how I am changing my thought process about food and how, when, and why I would eat. All of your words of encouragement, your thoughts and your prayers have made all the difference in the world. THANK YOU


  1. Man I'm so proud of You. It's like, if Pat can do this, so many others will be lead to challenge their beliefs of themselves and bust out of their (mine too) boxes. Trash the Box! I'm so glad that we are in a home group together and I get to know the Real Pastor Pat all over.
    Blessings & Life Abundantly!

  2. Pat, I am so thrilled that you did so well after surgery that the doctor kicked you out of the hospital! I was praying for you all day yesterday. You are awesome and God is faithful . . .now that is a unstopable combination! This is the verse I am praying over you, Pat: "Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for He who calls you is faithful."
    I Thess 5:23-24
    May the Lord heal your body quickly, keep your mind steadfast on Him and fill you with an abundance of His joy!
    Blessings! Phyllis Rogers

  3. Congratulations on your surgery Pat, we are so proud of your commitment and desire to change your life. We are praying for your recovery to be a continued success. Cant say that skiing is an activity we would like to share with you but maybe a game of golf in spring. We especially like the hat in the photo. Take care and God Bless. Dan & Malinda

  4. Hello Pat,
    I am Kelly (and therefore Bradley's) sister-in-law in a round about crazy twice removed way! Kelly forwarded me your link and I have been thinking of you and the lap band surgery you had yesterday. I had lap band surgery a year ago March and it has changed my life for the better! I had many reservations about doing it, and I have had to make many adjustments to my lifestyle because of it, however, I wouldn't change my decision for the world!! I look forward to hearing about your progress and if you have questions or comments please feel free to contact me at
    With warmest regards and support for your success,
    Ali Jacobs

  5. Awesome Pat. I am so happy that all went well. I was thinking about you. I'm proud of you. I know this is a huge challenge and you're doing such a great job! Jess


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat