Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Day After

The day after surgery and the reality of the change is hitting me. Before the surgery I would have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and a can of chicken broth for dinner. After the surgery I cannot have the protein shake until next week so the band can settle but I can have broth. It took the entire day to get through a whole can! I drank the first few ounces and I was full, I mean full like I ate too much, it was a strange feeling. I actually didn’t finish the first little bit that was in my cup. And do you know what the cool thing was? I was ok with it. In fact I went all day today and thought very little about food and it wasn’t because I was super busy. I walked the neighborhood loop 4 times, watched TV and watched Lisa clean the kitchen pantry (I would have helped but I can’t lift anything over 5 lbs because of the incisions). It was actually fun having Lisa ask me to have something besides water. “Do you want your broth yet?” And my answer was, “Nah, I am really not hungry.” Now that is change!
I got to come home early, I have not had any pain, and I am feeling very good. My incisions are a little sore but that is to be expected. I have received the greatest e-mails, blog comments, and phone calls from so many people. The support means the world to me. But what means even more is that so many of the comments involved people telling me that they are being inspired to change their lives. So come on, let’s do this together!!!

1 comment:

  1. You looked great today. Don't be in a hurry to go. You still have to heal inside..


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat