Saturday, February 14, 2009

Check me out in my suit!

Check me out in my suit! A couple of years ago I did Isagenix and lost about 60 pounds. Hit Thanksgiving and I could never regain the weight loss momentum again. I started eating like I used to eat and it just got worse. I gained the 60 pounds back and added another 20 or so just for the heck of it. That is what happens with diets. We lose it and gain it, try another diet, we lose it and gain it and on and on. I don’t know about you but I have done a lot of diets and a lot of them worked, but, and it’s a big one, all the weight just comes back because we don’t change our minds set about food. The addiction is still there, a little self discipline, and then a little slip, an excuse, other slip, and it is all downhill from there. The reality of what I am doing is that the lap band is another diet. People who have had the surgery have failed the diet and are right back where they started. There has to be a changing of the mind, the addiction has to be broken. I am learning to be flexible, making changes to my thought process based on the scripture about not being mastered by anything. I was weighing myself every morning. I started finding myself being driven by what the scale would say every day. I was going to bed each night with one thought, “What will I weigh tomorrow?” So I have made a change, I am only going to weigh myself every three days or so. I know it sounds silly, but to me it’s significant. And then it is the little victories, like my suit. The last time I buttoned that jacket was… well, let’s just say that it has been a long time. Same goes for the shirt I am wearing, it has been hanging in my closet for a really long time. I like these little victories. Oh yeah Lisa took this picture tonight after a wedding I did.

1 comment:

  1. Pat, you're right on track! I think it's a great idea NOT to weigh yourself every day. Society is so driven by weight & pounds. You are on this journey to achieve "health". In my late teens I used food to gain control in my life which resulted in anorexia. At my weakest, I weighed 88 lbs. Now...I don't even own a scale! I get weighed when I go to the doctor & that's it! But I know when I'm "healthy" and not-so-healthy. Stay strong!


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat