Monday, February 2, 2009

Surgery Tomorrow!!!

My final blog before the surgery, am I nervous? Actually no, I’m not, I am excited, not for the surgery but for what it represents in my life. The Lap band is not a magic pill, just getting it is not going to end of my weight problems. There is still work to do and if I don’t eat right and take my vitamins then I will end up right back where I started, way over weight, diabetes and sleep apnea. No thank you!!! Over the last two weeks I have come a long way in changing how I think about food and how I eat but the real challenge is yet to come. You see, right now I can’t eat and I know that in 10 weeks, I can eat. I can’t eat much, just a couple of ounces at a time but the point is this. When I get to this place where I can eat is when I will once again be tempted and will have to deal with my cravings. So, right now is critical, what I am learning about food, my emotions, how, why, and when I eat, all of it counts right now. I know you have heard it before but my choices today influence my actions of tomorrow. That goes for all of our choices in all of our lives. One of the things I have learned in my job is that life is to short and I am done wasting it on bad choices that destroy my future.

A quick note about my surgery. I check into the hospital at 5:30 in the morning and the surgery should start around 9:30, it's a 45 to 90 minute procedure. I am supposed to be in overnight for observation. I have to do a lot of walking and different things. If you really feel you need to come say hi I won’t say no but please only come if you feel that it is something you are supposed to do. I appreciate the support you have all given me and I am going to need that support more than ever in the months to come. What a journey and I am so glad you are walking it with me. I will blog when I wake up, I will still be medicated so you can't hold me responsible for anything I might say!!!

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Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat