Saturday, February 7, 2009

Are you Walking???

So many people think that they have to join a gym and hit the cardio machines in order to lose weight. All of that is good and hey, why not... It takes time, money and effort. Not the "work out" effort but the "I have to drive there" and "I have to change my cloths" effort. Gyms are breading grounds for excuses. Ok, so, don't go to the gym. Get up 30 min's early and walk around your neighborhood. You don't have to speed walk and you don't have to run, just walk. Put on some worship in your I-Pod or MP3 player, talk to God, you will feel invigorated. "But wait", you say, "get up 30 min's early. Yeah right!!!" Seriously, do you want to lose the weight? Because if you do 30 min's is just 30 min's and you will feel better after walking for a half an hour then if you slept that half an hour so stop whining! A lot of people get dressed up to go to work, a uniform, business attire, whatever, and I am willing to bet at some point after you get home you change. Go for another walk after you change. Who cares if you are wearing jeans or sweats, your just walking. Yesterday Lisa drove me into my office for a little while so I could get out of the house. After we got home, I went for a walk. I was wearing khakis and a shirt, I put on a jacket because it was raining and off I went around the neighborhood. When you walk, you are not trying to work up a sweat you just want to elevate your heart rate. You don't have to dress up or down to walk. So get out there, at least once a day, but if you can twice a day and lets walk!


  1. Walking rocks! I couldn't agree more, Pat! It's something you can do anywere and at anytime... and it's completely free! yay!! Thanks for the reminder... think I will do that today as well!

    Hugs.. Amy

  2. Hey Pat,
    You are such an encourager, Thanks! I'm so glad our electricity is back on now ( it has gone off and on several times since getting it back after a week without in this ice storm aftermath) But I look forward now to keeping up with you. I love to walk and plan on doing lots of it when all this ice melts! love you, Aunt Judy


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat