Thursday, February 12, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...

The last couple of days have been just a tad bit busy to say the least. My post-op meeting at the doctors office went well and I have to go in in 3 weeks for my first "fill". The lap band is adjustable and right now it is set of the most open setting. There is a port just under the skin that allows the doc access to the band. They can make the band smaller by adding an injection of silicon or they can take silicon out to make the band bigger. It takes a few months to figure out where I am the most comfortable. But for right now I have 3 more weeks of liquid diet. For the last week it has been all water and broth now I have to add protein drinks to my menu. I have to have at least 90 grams of protein a day which is 3 30 gram protein drinks but here is the problem. I made a protein drink for breakfast that had about 20 grams of protein in it using 6 ounces of soy milk. I could barley finish it! The nurse said to take the week to work my way up to 90 grams a day, ya, it will take the week to do that for sure!!! Last night I was out on a call for work so I didn't get a chance to eat (drink) my protein but guess what? I wasn't hungry. On the way home I found myself thinking about food but this time it was different. My thoughts were, "Hey, I should be hungry but I am not, how cool is that!" Knowing I should have some protein I went ahead and opened a 12 ounce thing of pre-made protein drink, I got about half of it down and was done. 90 grams in one day????? Oh boy, I never thought I would see the day that I complained about having to eat food. Hey did I mention I can tie my left shoe now???!!!

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Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat