Saturday, February 21, 2009

Driving my Addiction

I have been on this liquid diet for 4 and 1/2 weeks now, I am looking forward to being able to chew!!! A lot has changed for me which was desperately needed if I am going to be successful in not only my weight lose but in maintaining that weight lose. At first when I would think about eating only 4 to 6 ounces it was hard to imagine, I mean shoot, that's nothing. I used to be able to put away two chicken breasts and whatever else was offered. Now, when I can start eating again, I will flatten out one chicken breast, cook it on the George Foreman and that will be at least 4, maybe 5 meals. Wow, that's not much. But with the new way of thinking about food, who cares, I don't need two chicken breasts. I only need what is necessary to fuel my body. I don't have to have food anymore. It is a very freeing experience when you look at it that way. When I would go to a party or a function, there was always food. I didn't just get some of it, I got a lot of it, a few plates at least and then excuses to travel by the food table to get more. I don't have to do that any more. My addiction was driving me, now, I am driving my addiction. Every morning I get up and ask God to continue this change that is taking place inside of me. Every morning I thank Him that He is working in me and releasing me in this new freedom. God never said life would be easy and He never promised me tomorrow. Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough problems of it's own! So true. No, tomorrow is not guaranteed but what He did promise, is that He would be there with me every step of the way.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, in 10 minutes reading I feel like we never stopped knowing each other. Rock on in the battle! Food is a daunting foe that so many of us deal with in our own dysfunctional ways. Thanks for sharing such candid thoughts through out this process. You've challenged me, I have some things to ponder now with the Lord. Take care and be blessed in all that you do.



Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat