Sunday, March 1, 2009

My First Fill (Before)

The lap band is adjustable and even reversible. There is a "pillow" around the inside of the band that can be "filled" or "emptied" to adjust for food intake and weight lose. I have a port just under the skin that the doctor uses to inject silicone into the band. Right now the band is opened all the way so tomorrow I get a fill which will restrict the amount of food I can eat (starting Wed!!!). I don't know what to expect so I have a little apprehension but I know I will be ok. I think it is the needle they use that has me the most concerned, yeah I am a wimp when it comes to needles and I have this picture in my mind of this needle that they must use. When I use silicone it is coming out of a big tube in a caulking gun. I can just picture the doctor standing over me with this evil grin holding a caulking gun, "Are you ready for your fill..." Oh boy..

1 comment:

  1. haha. that is so funny. good luck with the procedure. :o)


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