Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Defeating the Addiction to Food

Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Addiction, whether it be to drugs, alcohol, risky behaviors, nicotine, caffeine, or food, yes you can be addicted to food but I will explain that in a minute. Any addiction can be broken, sometimes it takes some real psychological work with a professional, some people have even done it on their own, but no matter what an addiction can only be broken by the changing of your mind. We don’t see food as an addiction, some people don’t struggle with it but I am seeing more and more that for me, food is an addiction. How do know you’re addicted? Cravings, withdrawals, behavioral changes, being controlled by the substance of the addiction. Look at your behaviors as I look at mine. Cravings. Absolutely, I craved Jack in the Box, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, 2 Tacos and a small Coke, and hey why not add in a large Spicy Bites. Did I need that? No, did I want that? YES, so I would go get it. Lunch time, dinner time, sometimes, but rarely. Cravings do not wait for the “appropriate” time. Withdrawals. Let me ask, “Lisa, do I get cranky when I am hungry?” “YES” she says, “you get unreasonably mean.” Anyone have questions about that? Behavioral changes. I have to buy new shirts and pants because my clothes are getting two small. “What, I have sleep apnea?” “Diabetes….” Yep, High blood pleasure, heart disease… I could go on. Control. Yes, a nibble here, a nibble there. I might get busy tonight and not get a chance to eat at dinner time so I had better stop at Taco Time. A Fish Taco and a Crispy Chicken Barito. Did I mention that the Fish Taco meal comes with Mexi Fries and a Coke? Of course I had time for dinner tonight and I don’t want anyone to think I was eating out so I would have to eat at dinner time too. Did I mention that there is a lot of secretive behavior with addiction? Well, there it was. Rationalization, “I will do this just this once”, “I already blew it today so it doesn’t matter if I blow it again.” Or my favorite, “I will start eating right on Monday”.
It says in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:12 and 13. "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything. "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"—but God will destroy them both.” So what does that mean? Well, there is nothing wrong with eating food, it is permissible but no always beneficial. “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food.” I truly believe that the Bible is speaking directly to the addiction to food. Paul says, “I will not be mastered”, he says that God will destroy the addiction. This 36 day liquid diet is so much more than a diet. It is a God called, Holy Spirit directed fast so that God can destroy the addiction in me.


  1. Our God is a awesome God and I am so excited what God is doing in your life. You are touching so many of us by pouring out your heart and soul and your intermost thoughts that have kept you in your stronghold of food addiction. Your stronghold is being broken down and can no longer hide in the secret places that have kept you in bondage.

    Love the Journey

  2. Matthew 4:4 Jesus answered, "It is written: "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
    We know that Jesus is true in your life Pat and shall feed you in body and spirit, we are very proud and excited for you, most of us never face our addictions. God Bless
    Dan & Malinda

  3. Oh Sweet Pat,
    You are truly one of the most well loved and respected people I've ever known. You have touched, helped, counseled, encouraged, lifted up, prayed over, hugged, held and loved so many people that needed you that I hope you will feel all of that love and support coming back to you a thousand fold. You are truly deserving of that. You have a heart of gold and deserve the desires of your heart. And with you well on your way to strong and healthy, I know you are going to get there! You absolutely will. You've said it - and I believe it!
    Thanks for letting all of us that love you in on your journey -
    we are proud of you!


  4. Well hey there fellow traveler.. so glad to have found some else that is on the journey of walking in freedom from food. I will be stopping by to see how you are.... I started a blog just about a month ago for the purpose of accountability and hope for others...

    Love your heart! Keep walking! Hugs.. Amy

  5. This is the first time I've read your blog Pat! Food addiction is powerful. I struggled with it as well, even though I haven't ever been overweight. When I got diagnosed with Celiac Disease I cried. The only treatment for my disease was to stop eating anything that had any wheat, rye, or barley in it (aka gluten). It had to be strict, and it had to be for the rest of my life. No wheat, ever again? No cake, cookies, bread, pie, flour tortillas? There are "substitutes" but they are not the same and they are not readily available. It's better now than it was when I got diagnosed, but it's still not as commonplace as the regular stuff. I could no longer just go to a fast food place and get what I wanted. No more McDonald's Burgers, no more Taco Time Burritos. In fact, I had to be careful of contamination as well, so it is rare that I could even go to a restaurant at all. But if I ate wheat, it made me sick. Celiac Disease, if you don't know, is an immune system disorder where eating gluten triggers your immune system to start attacking your GI tract, making it unable to absorb the nutrients from your food. If continued to eat gluten I would essentially starve to death even though I was filling my mouth with food.

    God did a lot in my heart through that. He showed me that I did have an addiction and I had to break it or I would die. Also, he showed me a new way to look at food. I started looking at food as primarily for nutrition. What's that saying, "we eat to live, we don't live to eat"? Once I started eating gluten free, I started eating healthier out of necessity. But then I started to actually enjoy healthy food and I started eating even healthier than I had to.

    Then God showed me how junk food is just like sin. Junk food feels really good at first. It makes you want more of it. Did you know that blood sugar spikes caused by eating foods that are too sweet actually cause your body to crave more sugar? It is literally addictive! Pretty soon, you eat it all the time and you don't feel as good. Keep going, and your body can't function the way it is supposed to (ie diabetes, cholesterol problems, etc). Not only that, but you stop enjoying your food. What? Yes, that's what I said. At least I did. I liked my food, I was emotionally attached to food, but I didn't enjoy my food. I would scarf that food down so fast. My body just wanted me to get as much of it as I could in there. It's just like sin - you think sin will satisfy you, it looks like it's going to, but it doesn't; you just keep wanting more. And over time it makes you numb.

    When I started eating healthy I actually started to TASTE my food and SAVOR it. When I did that it's amazing how I didn't really want or need as much. I got satisfied when I ate. I started to know what it was like to eat fresh blueberries or juicy grapes and really enjoy their flavor. It's just like when you start to follow God. Yes, it seems counter-intuitive that not doing what you want all the time would make you happier but it DOES. You can savor life more when you are doing things God's way. Vegetables don't taste good when you've been eating junk food. But when you quit the junk food, vegetables taste amazing (well, most of them anyway :))! And when I do eat junk food (which I do), I can eat a gluten free brownie (or two hehe) and be satisfied and not have the unrelenting urge to eat the whole pan of them! Everything in moderation, you know? But I know when I'm eating too much junk food when my food stops satisfying me.

    Anyway, sorry, this turned into a long comment :). Sounds weird, but I am actually grateful that I have Celiac Disease just because of what I've learned through it. It was just such a major change in thinking in my life. I thought it might help as you go through your journey. I will be praying for you! Know that it WILL be worth it!!!


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat