Monday, January 26, 2009

Breaking Habits

This is certainly a learning process! It order to be successful I have to change how I think about food, totally change. One of my bad habits that brought me to this point was the eating at night while watching TV. We are talking 10 to 12 o'clock at night, late. Last night I was watching TV, 10 PM and I decided to finish off the bowl of sugar free Jell-o. I am allowed sugar free Jell-o, my rational was “I can eat it”, so I did. One of the things that I am trying to accomplish in the next 5 weeks is breaking these bad habits. Eating because I want to, when I want to, whatever I want to. I was eating late night just because. As Lisa and I talked she said you can’t break a habit by changing the contents of the habit. I still ate late, bad habit, but I had replaced the contents of the habit and rationalized that it was ok. It is not. A bad habit has to be reframed in my mind, so, no eating late at night, period. I can do it!!!
I gained a half of a pound. Why? We think it is the amount of sodium I used in the chicken broth I ate, sodium makes you retain water and I unknowingly used a lot. I am not discouraged, I am encouraged because I am learning.

1 comment:

  1. That is a hard habit to break - many of us suffer from it. Myself included. It is extremely tempting to eat at night - nibble here and there. I am going to do this with you. No late night eating for me either! So, when you are tempted just remember that I'm doing it with you. And, when I'm tempted, I'll remember that you are doing it too. It is one step in the "one step at a time" motto. Good job Pat!


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat