Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's Stuck!!!!!

Well, they warned me this would happen. I had a big meeting to attend the other night with the local area chaplains that I work with so before the meeting a few of us went out for dinner. I had to be at the meeting early so I ate a little to fast and ended up not chewing my meat good enough and it got stuck. The band around my stomach makes for a small hole for food to pass throught thuse making me feel full WAY faster. If you don't chew good enough food will get stuck and will not pass through. When your food gets stuck the ony thing you can do is suffer through it, burp a lot and hope it passes or, throw-up. Sometimes you don't have a choice, you throw-up which is what most people do. I have not had that experience until now and that is what I did, I threw-up. What made it worse was that it didn't happen until right when I started the meeting. I knew it was stuck, I was burping all the way to the meeting thinking, "I am going to puke any minute." I got the meeting, started to welcome everyone and it hit me, I wishpered "excuse me" and bolted out of the room. Lucky for me the bathroom was directly across the hall and empty. It was horrible, I hate throwing-up! Definatly a learning experience, a great reminder to CHEW MY FOOD!!!!
As far as breaking 100... Ounces, I mean ounces away. Three days ago, 288.7, two days ago, 288.5, yesterday, 288.2, today.... 288.0 aaaaaahhhhhhhh so close!!!!!! 287.3 will be my 100 puonds lost mark.

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Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat