Friday, May 8, 2009

100 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!

I DID IT... 100 POUNDS LOST!!!!!!!!!! Finally, over the last few days I have been getting closer and closer and closer but not there yet..... until today. The scale this morning read 287.6. Wow, it feels great to reach a milestone like that. It has been a lot of work, the lap band has enabled me to get there but I am not doen yet. 220 is the unltimate goal but my next mini goal is 279. The last time I lost a lot of wieght, about 7 years ago, I got down to 279 and that has been the lowest I have been since college when I was a bicycle messenger in downtown Bellevue. I will keep you "posted" a long the way. Thank you all for your encouragement and your prayers.


  1. That is fabulous! Way to go. You must feel great :)

  2. Katharine WarmerdamMay 8, 2009 at 11:34 AM

    Congrats on joining the Century Club Pat! (100 lbs lost) I heard you had the lap band. That's so awesome. I had gastric bypass almost 3 years ago and have lost 254lbs. Life is so awesome. Keep up the good work. Remember the protein, vitamins and water!

  3. Wow! What a great accomplishment. You are inspiring...hopefully my dad will jump on in and join the journey. I was wondering a couple things though. For the rest of your life, will you only be able to eat small portions? the lap band a permanant fixture? Are you working out, or just dieting alone? Do you watch Biggest Loser? I do, and the episode to me that struck a cord in me was the episode where they visited Dr. H and he informed them of their progress after just a few weeks and the amount of meds they had each been weaned off due to the diet/exercise. The clincher was the confession that it takes hundreds of thousands of dollars in healthcare per year per person....all because of the food we choose to eat (I am not including the hereditary aspcects/reasoning someone may need medication). It was a crazy and astonishing fact. I am really inspired to take care of myself for this reason alone. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work, inside and out! I am so glad you are publishing this part of your life and that God is at your core to guide you along! God bless you.

    P.S. Sorry to hear you threw up...I don't like to do it either, and when I do, I feel disgusting for a while afterwards. Sorry if you had to re-join the meeting too?!

  4. Heard you were looking good Pat. Hope I run into you again around City Hall, I might not recognze you now, it has been since February. Congrats on the 100 lb milestone!


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat