Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Scale is Laughing at ME!!!!

First of all, this has been a very stressful week. Stress and weight lose do not go together. While I was on vacation I lost 5 pounds, I get home from vacation, go through a very stressful week and lose 2 pounds, oh joy. But that is not what this post is about, it is about the scale laughing at me this morning, that's right, LAUGHING. 299 is a mini-goal. This morning I get up, go into the bathroom, get on the scale and it was just like being on the biggest loser, I swear it, the scale reads 298.6, 301.1, and then stops at 300.0. I mean seriously, 300.0, not 300.1 or .4 but .0, come on!!!! It is not that I am unhappy about this, I am excited about it, I have lost like 87 pounds now but how often do you get on a scale that measures you by the point something and you get .0? Well, 300.0 it is which means that tomorrow... 299!

1 comment:

  1. Your right, it is just like the biggest loser. Reading your blog, the suspense was killing me, then 300.0. Have to admit, it is just like the show. I think I'd like one of those scales that shows the percentage after the lbs. Are they expensive?


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