Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am doing it!!!

10 days ago I started really going after it again. I started journeying my food, my calorie intake, what I am eating and when I an eating it. It has been amazing to see the change! Today I got on the Scale and it was 241.9 which means that if I keep this going I will be down into the 230's really soon. That's a mini goal of mine. Almost there...
I am lifting wights in the morning, 3 days a week, with my good friend Ted and it has made all the difference in the world. Thank you Ted!!! When I started 10 days ago I was at 249.7 which means that for the last 6 weeks I have been stuck in the upper 240's not because I was on a plateau but because I got complacent, satisfied with my looks and lost sight of my goal. It was getting hard and instead of working at it I started coasting but now I am back and feeling great and looking at my goal, 21 more pounds and I am there!!!


  1. You are so beyond amazing, that is great you are lifting weights!!! Remember what I told you? It totally changed my life and I was not able to drop that last 20 pounds until I buckled down and did it!!! Go for it, you can do it, you are awesome~ love you and miss you guys!!

  2. that was me Pat, keep up the great work, talk to you soon!! (the above comment;-)
    love ya
    Kim Cunningham


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat