Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Feeling Discouraged

I really am, the past 15 days I have been working out, biking, eating right journaling and I can't seem to break 240, it's frustrating!!! Ok, I don't want to rant about what I can't do because I know it can be done. I also know that with persistence it will happen, I just wish it would happen sooner then later. Ahh, the mark of my generation, we want it all and we want it now. Weight loss is not like that, even with great tools such as the lap band. It still takes work, it still takes, discipline and perseverance. I still feel discouraged... So, here is my plan; Up my work outs with weights to 5 days a week instead of three. Do some form of cardio 7 days a week. With day light savings time my biking will change but I will ride at least three times a week, I just have to come home from work early meaning I will to have to go in early but biking is worth it!!! I will continue to journal and set goals form myself everyday, reachable and measurable. I can do it!!!!!!


  1. How many grams of protein are you getting a day? How many ounces of water? Are you using good wls vitamins? Are you drinking while eating or for 30 minutes after? Honestly, the most successful band patients eat like bypass patients. No sugar, no liquid calories except protein mixed with water and no drinking with meals or for 30 minutes after. No white stuff either. Only good whole grains. You can do this!

  2. For your viewing pleasure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADKoF6_Hehw


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat