Sunday, January 16, 2011

2010: A Review

I did this more this year then I have ever dreamed I would or could do. A termendously successful year and yet some setbacks as well. This blog is not about work, nor is it about my family. Yes, both of those VERY IMPORTANT areas of my life deep impact my wieght lose and I wil insert Family and Work when appropriate. This blog is about my wieght lose. It is about the Mountians climbed, the bike races, the wieght lose and the wieght gain. Yes, I said wieght gain. I have gained about 30 pounds over the past year. Oh, I have lost but i have gained. Why, becasue food is an addiction and I struggle with it. So, here are some of my success and then lets talk about some of my setbacks;

50 mile Mountain Bike Endurance Race, 6 hours and 38 Minutes. The 16 mile Mountain Bike leg of the Black Diamond Xterra Triathlon, The 15 mile bike leg of the Lake Meridian Triathlon, the top of Mt. Adams, and the 18 mile Mountain Bike leg of the Mountains to Sound Race. The year started with the Stinky Spoke which I wrote about and it just went from there and it was fun! This year I have more races and more challenging activities that I am going to do but, and it's a big BUT, my big butt!!! It has gotten bigger this year. I HATE to say that but I have really really struggled. It's time for change. I know, I know I have said that before but what else can I say. I need to make some changes in my eating habits. The struggle is that I do really good for a couple of days and then I "fall off the wagon". The attitude after that is "I screwed up so I will start again... next week." So now I am back to, "Ok, let’s do this again." I have to be honest I am really tired off fallen off the wagon but it is easier to eat then it is to get back up again. By the way, I am ranting so please just let me rant. My next postings will be about what I am doing to get back into the fight.

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Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat