Friday, July 17, 2009

38 and 38 and more...

Thanks Al for bringing this to my attention, I turned 38 years old a few days ago and I am now wearing a size 38 pants, funny... I guess when I think about going from a 54 to a 38 in a matter of 6 months it brings a smile. I love my life style, mountain biking every day, walking in the mornings, eating right. I have to say that I am getting bored of my walks in the morning. I am making 3 laps around the neighborhood, I think I need a change, a new place to walk. There are lots of place to go I just hate walking down the Maple Valley Hwy with no sidewalk, I am afraid I or Dante will get sucked in under a dump truck as it goes by at 60 miles an hour! I am down now to 253.3 which means I have lost 134 pounds and have 33 pounds to go to my goal. I see my Doctor on Monday and plan on having my band filled which will restrict my stomach more and cut my eating again which will be good. last month the Dr told me that because I have lost so much internal fat around my organs that I am actually able to eat more because there is more room in there now. If I get the band fill it will restrict my eating and I will continue to lose the weight.


  1. what the? You are so amazing Pat, and totally my hero!! I feel like by just losing the 40+ pounds I put on having kids and getting fit I totally reinvented myself. That is what you are doing and I am really proud of you. You are such an awesome person all around.

  2. Crazy thought for you .... you could walk around the block backwards. It would be a different challenge for you. Or you could try a fast walk / slow jog ... kinda like speed walking. Also, what do you do on your walks? Do you pray, listen to music, sermons, or contemplate, etc??? Sometimes even though your body does the same things, even when your spirit is engaged in other things, it can be very different. Hopefully that makes sense. So, just some thoughts. I am an idea person (extroverted, promoter, etc.) Talk to you later! Keep up the great work and keep us posted!


Your encouraging words mean the world to me. Thank you for sharing your heart. ~ Pat